Originally Posted by G G
Update on pistol: Thought i was gonna get a ruger SR1911 for a little bit. Have now changed it to a Smith and Wesson E Series 1911. I checked all the reviews out and just came down to the frontstrap checkering that's on the Smith with a smooth front strap on the Ruger. Plus they are both on backorder but my LGS says he can get the Smith quicker. About three weeks in and no word yet. Sucks cause I am like a little kid when it comes to getting something when I want it. My dealer always gets guns at cost plus 10% which is a great deal. The gun has an MSRP of $919.00 plus tax. My local guy's cost is 668.00 so plus 10% and tax comes out pretty good for what seems to be an awesome fullsize 1911. Just have to learn to conceal it after having a subcompact glock for the last 5 or 6 years. Don't see that it will be a problem though. Gonna buy a Panther Concealment IWB and a pancake OWB from Lobo Gunleather.
Keep us updated. I'd love to see pics and hear your thoughts once you've had it out to the range and carried it.