Re: Rate the worst
Felipe Gregorio - Had a box of small perfectos a number of years ago that weren't bad at all - White bands, maybe?
Augusto Reyes - Was a time when I really enjoyed one of these - I think they had a blue band -- really creamy
Victor Sinclair - I'd bet the Primeros would do surprisingly well in blind taste test among connie lovers. And for small smokes, the old Triple Corojo 4x40's were pretty decent. I still smoke the miniature 55 reds on the way to work. Darn good value small smoke at auction prices.
Rolando Reyes - Been many years, but I've had a few Aliados that weren't bad at all. And, hard to question whether Rolando left his mark on the industry. RIP
Any Thompson's House Blend - Was given one by a stranger at a bar in Raleigh a few years ago. I'm reluctant to pass judgement on only one cigar, but I will acknowledge that I never sought out another. But, you know, that first one wasn't half bad enjoyed in the spirit of the brotherhood. We shared a couple Tats afterward that were better, but the experience was greater than the cigars.
I must be getting old. I used to not mind threads bashing entire lines. Smoke what you like, brothers. Someone's buying from these makers. Why bash 'em?