Originally Posted by longknocker
Congrats, Brother!  May Be A SEC Championship Game Between Us Coming Up! 

Plenny season to go yet before we go puttin the crown on your heads 2 years in a row, Greg.

Hell, you guys will be lucky to get past LSU.....our team is SOOO weird. The talent is unmistakable.
But the way they play sometimes is just mind-boggling. I guess they need their weed or something,
because they seem to be able to will themselves to victory when they really need it, but the rest of
the time play like a bunch of drunk frat boys.
Is it a monumental task, sure, but let's wait til you guys get home from B.R. to notch the stick, hahah.
On a positive note, seems I WILL be at home in my chair to watch the tigers and bama play. It was looking
like I was going to be in Dallas working the Nascar Race. I heard through the unreliable grapevine last
week that I will not be on that trip. very nice.