Thread: MN Cigar Events
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Old 10-19-2012, 01:27 PM   #1
Chillin in the Aging Room
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Default MN Cigar Events

Didn't find a thread that pertains to this so I thought I'd start one seeing that we don't get too many events here in MN so it's nice to know when they are! Post all the events going on at your local MN B&Ms! I'll start it off.

My local B&M Goodfellas in Mahtomedi is have Maria Caram coming in for a hand rolling event. She grew up in Cuba working in cigar factories with her family. She is now in the US and still rolling cigars. She will be hand rolling in the store and everyone who attends will get 1 or 2 (can't remember) of her cigars and there will also be deals on other cigars in the shop. This event is on Thursday Oct 25th from 6-8pm. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend due to prior plans.

**Disclaimer: I have no idea if these cigars are any good nor do I know much about this woman. Just an event I thought sounded cool.**
Saving basements in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.
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