Originally Posted by 363
it seems that this one does not come equipped with a humidification device
I have a LARGE Hydra just dying to be used.
Originally Posted by ZaneG
All I know is once you get it setup I get to come and rummage through it like a hobo looking for Booze.
You're invited!!
Originally Posted by neoflex
I had a friend who had that particular model and I know he ended up having to do some cutting and tweaking inside to get the humidity right from top to bottom. Once he did that it worked very well for him for many years until he sold it to upgrade to an Aristocrat. The Aristocrats are in a whole other league both in quality and price. This should work fine if your looking for a cabinet on a budget. 
Thanks for the tip
Originally Posted by forgop
If you get it, I'd recommend the Humi-Care XG1000 you can get on the devil site for <$90 if you shop around. It's worked great in my cabinet.
I have a Hydra
Peter, I tried to quote you 3'x, should have just used the little quotation at the top, but I was trying to be clever.
Anyway, I hear you about the Aristocrat, and I would love to go that route, but they are so expensive.....but if I get anymore negative responses like Neoflex, I just might go that route.
Thanks, keep em' coming guys + & -'s