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Old 10-17-2012, 08:07 AM   #99
Brooks W
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Default Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?

Originally Posted by SvilleKid View Post
The above "ad" will serve to illustrate my comments below:

Just who is it that is over-hyping cigars like the Tat Mummy? Is it the manufacturer? (that Would be over-hype - or maybe just damn good use of advertising dollars). Or, is this simply the market excitement by the end buyers (hopeful buyers?) that is generating the hype and prices? If it's market reaction, not manufacturer generated, is this the fault of the cigar and/or manufacturer? And should the cigar and the manufacturer be dragged through the proverbial mud because the market (not the manufacturer) has built up expectations that are not "lived-up-to" in the minds of the individuals that do not like them, or that do not like Tats in general?????? This is the Issue I have with this thread. Is this really about Over-hype, or is this about "picking a cigar you hate/dislike/don't really care for, and bashing it"? If the hype is market generated by the purchasers/smokers that really like Tats (or Gurkhas, or NC Cohibas, or Beehives...etc), then can it be said that all this thread is really about is basically bashing other smokers for their choices, NOT bashing the manufacturer for over-billing the cigar. If this thread is about the manufacturer over-hyping the cigars, then care should be taken that the over-hype being slammed is actually from the manufacturer, and not that which is generated by the buying public!

Say what you will about the Monster series in General (to some, the best thing to happen to cigars, to others, stupid tripe marketing for 10 year olds), but the Mummy is a pretty great cigar, when you get rid of all of the hype surrounding the actual release.

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