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Old 10-17-2012, 01:14 AM   #54
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Default Re: Help. My Stinky is... broken?

Originally Posted by BHalbrooks View Post
Update on the update:
I talked with Stinky more, after he saw my post in here, and realized I wasn't quite happy with the way things played out (He thought I was gonna take him up on sending it back, and buying one for that price from him.)

At his request I called his cell... and had an hour long talk where we cleared the air and shot the ****. He's a really nice guy actually. He again offered to sell one at the discounted price, and that he had found a brown base he'd give me. He doesn't do the assembly, nor is the assembly done near him (Which I had thought it was), so it's not like he can just walk behind his house and grab a base. Really nice guy. He reminded me of my Father in law haha.


**** happens. It always does. How a business immediately reacts and deals with it is what defines and separates them.

When a business handles that first chance poorly and has to be called out on the carpet, pointed to a public discussion of their many similar poorly handled incidents ultimately resulting in a limp wristed phone call, that's not customer service to be praised, it's cover their ass back paddling of what they should have done right the first time.

Color me unimpressed.
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