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Old 10-14-2012, 09:47 AM   #39
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Default Re: My Uzi Weighs a Ton

Is is only my opinion, but . . .

If someone calls themselves the editor of a cigar review site, they are making a claim to expertise of some sort. When it appears that the same person is also the reviewer and content generator (except where obtained from another source), then it appears that the same person is claiming additional expertise.

Of course, you could put a disclaimer at the top: I know nothing about cigars but decided to write up my opinion, which by my definition is true and correct and unassailable.

Mind you, that's just my opinion. But it is also my opinion that when you venture outside of your very small sandbox (my opinion, I haven't seen your sandbox) that your opinions and assertions (which are different from opinions, look it up, Mr Editor - that's not an opinion, that there is sarcasm) are open to criticism by other people using both opinions and assertions. When both sides are willing to investigate assertions to ascertain "truthiness" (love Colbert), then incorrect assertions can be corrected and sometimes opinions will change. This is called dialog.

Of course, people can come away from a dialog with the same opinions and assertions as before. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion. Happens enough, said people often grab their pail and shovel and go back to their sand box where their truthiness prevails.

Once again, just my opinion.
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