Thread: Strasburg
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Old 10-12-2012, 11:29 PM   #47
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Default Re: Strasburg

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
Color me stupid I guess, Davey-Boy.
The the thread is stupid not from your original question. i did not say that, either. No, it turned stupid when hindsight became the driver of expert opinion. In my opinion, it is a result of the media creating an issue out of a non-issue to sell a story. I distinctly remember how up in arms everyone was when they shut down Zimmermann last year using the same reasoning. From Spring Training, the team stated what the plan was. It wasn't confusing, bad planning or stupid, as described. The front office weighed out all of the medical data and made a choice to do what they thought will benefit the team in the long run. The rebuilding plan has been to target the 2013 season for quite a while. This year's version played above all expectations. To think it is a one time chance for this team to play in the playoffs is trending towards ludicrous, imo.
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