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Old 10-12-2012, 11:19 AM   #9
Alpha Zombie Wolf "Sceve"
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Default Re: Inspiration For Cigar Signs?

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Thanks for the help, Gentlemen!!!
I can certainly use some more input.
Here's my router, Scott. It makes making things easy, it's the software that's mental torture.

SWEEEEET! I know I would have ZERO ability to run that thing, but I'm still jealous. I'm all excited because a guy has a Shopsmith up for sale for 150 bucks. It's an older one, but I've been dying to get a lathe. Having the other capabilities would be pure gravy. I'm second in line..if the other buyer backs out, I'll have it tonight!

The software might be a pain, but the ability to reproduce - perfectly - is fantastic.
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