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Old 10-10-2012, 05:18 PM   #433
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Default Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by kelmac07 View Post
It goes A LOT deeper than that Jake. His last two years in New York he "dipped out" on Wounded Warriors. Every August for the last five years when the Mets visit DC, the team goes to Walter Reed/Bethesda to visit the Wounded Warriors. Beltran skipped out the last two years claiming he had prior engagements...COMPLETE BUM in my book. He could be on fire and I wouldn't piss on him.
Lol, ok. I don't take it personally, the guy plays baseball and does a good job at it from what I have seen. There are so many things that get reported these days that are only half true, who knows why he did not go. All I know is, its baseball.
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