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Old 10-08-2012, 04:53 PM   #1
Feeling at Home
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So I joined a ways back in April...but didn't really get active on here until a month or so ago. In April I started with a small 25 count desktop...which became a 75 desktop in June. As I read the info on here and increased my knowledge I realized that since I live in So Cal and do not have AC, live on 2nd floor apartment which pretty much stays above 70 most of the year and hotter that I needed to keep my cigars cool. So I bought a NewAir to turn into a wineador and of course bought more cigars. As I was planning on buying more to fill'er up, well bad luck just jumped up at me. Got to repair a cracked oil pan on our the money I was saving will be used there and no new cigars for a while.

Wanted to post some pic's of my cigars new home and the awesome drawers I was able to buy from Forrest before our issue came up with the car.

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