Originally Posted by madwilliamflint
Anyone noodled around with the new Skyrim DLC? I pulled it down last night but haven't had time enough to breathe twice in a row, much less play games.
Plus, it seems that Dishonored pre-downloaded.
It's alright, I played through the vampires campaign and it was pretty decent. I get the feeling the dawnguard campaign is going to have you do the exact same things as the vampire campaign.
There's a bug where the follower you get nerfs the crap out of your vampire powers when she is a follower. So your new vamp powers seem lousy until you finish the questline.
Overall it's decent but buggy. Falling through the world, NPCs getting stuck in combat. Door not opening when they should to let the bad guys through. So you end up stuck in combat behind a locked door with enemies on the other side. Reload last save fixed the bugs for the most part.