What Size do you Buy the Most? II
So Thought I'd see about running a poll on which size is most popularly purchased by members here... I know sizes vary by manufacture and line,So please base your answers off the following chart not what your favorite brand may say...
which most accurately describes what you buy the most of?
Nub (4 /4.5 x 55/60)
Corona (5.5/6 x 42/45)
Panatela (5.5/6.5 x 34/38)
Lonsdale (6/6.5 x 42/44)
Churchill (6.5/7 x 46/48)
Robusto (4.5/5 x 48/50)
Toro (6/6.5 x 48/50)
Presidente (7/8.5 x 52/60)
Gigante/Gordo (>= 6 x >=60)
Torpedo (5.5/6.5 x 46/52)