Thread: Coconut sugar
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Old 10-05-2012, 11:34 AM   #8
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Default Re: Coconut sugar

Originally Posted by slickster81 View Post
Also known as Palm Sugar or "Jaggery"...get it at Indian/Pakistani markets in a cone shaped lump....way cheaper! We use it often for cooking Thai dishes, the flavor is different to be sure. I don't sweeten my coffee, but I bet it would add a richness to it. It isn't really made from coconuts though, just the sap of the flowers from the coconut palm.
I'm pretty sure palm sugar is from a different tree, the date palm IIRC. I've also found that it doesn't taste the same as coconut sugar, I actually find the caramel taste of the palm sugar to be more beneficial to a large number of dishes, plus, as you said, it's cheaper.

As for the cones, have to watch where they come from, at least out here. Being in CA, most of those cones I've seen are pure unrefined cane sugar for Mexican/Spanish cooking styles. The palm sugar comes in rock hard disks found at Asian markets.
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