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Old 09-27-2012, 08:18 PM   #184
ZOTL's mmmmm brainssss
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Default Re: Third Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Here's an update on who's sent in their entry/betting sticks...

Scott 6 entry 50 troops
Cole 6 entry 10 troops
Stephen 0 entry 20 troops
Travis 5 entry 5 troops
Mark 5 entry 21 troops
shilala 0,0
Jeremy 0,0
Matt 0,0
Mike 0,0
Jarrod 0,0

Please correct me if any of these sound wrong.
A biggie...
The entry fee is 6 premium sticks and 6 troop sticks.
I know that's an easy mistake to make being as it's a new rule. I hope everyone who hasn't sent smokes will catch that. It'll save messing around in the future.
Sweet...I can read all good and stuff!
Yea Scott, those are the numbers I remember.
ZOTL our appetites will ALWAYS be bigger than your braaaiiiins...
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