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Old 01-15-2009, 04:32 PM   #14
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Default Re: Stray black lab mix story.

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
Good one on you for helping one of God's creatures, Michael!
Thanks. When I get home from work, I let my dogs out to the back yard. Then go check mail and look for her. If I see her, I make sure there is fresh water in her bowl and go get her food ready and take it back out. If she's lying down, I whistle and if she does not hear that, I tap the metal food bowl with a fork or spoon then she perks up.

Last night our street was rather busy with traffic so I took the bowl across the street to her and she wagged her tail, though only twice, when she saw me coming. I got about ten feet from her before she backed up a step. Perhaps some day I'll have the pleasure of petting her and bringing her into our home. It may be a hassle with Rockie at first, but I think he'd get used to her after a bit. I just gotta figure out where I'd put another kennel in the house. We already have two in our living room for Rockie and Zoe... Then I'd have to convince my wife and that may be difficult.

Dogs are still the best examples of unconditional love I have ever experienced.
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