Originally Posted by SvilleKid
I guess I'm in the "Nutty" crowd. I ONLY download the free books on several readers on my phone. I can make the font sizes and screen brightness anything I need to make reading easy. Mainly I use Stanza and iBooks, but I have an older app called "classics" that was an early reader, and a paid app ($2.99, I think). I am reading many of the old classics that I missed as a youth. Currently reading "Great Expectations" on iBooks, and some Sci-Fi books on Stanza, and the Iliad on Classics app. I find there are more books available free than I can read in my life, and haven't purchased a single book in electronic format in the two years I've been using the iPhone as a reader. My wife is in the crowd that does not use her iPhone as a reader. I do not own a tablet, and do not see the need for a separate reader that only reads books and such, when I have a phone that will do the same thing. I don't notice the page turning action at all after the first several pages, because I'm usually absorbed in the book. Battery-wise, I have a back-up battery that gives me three full charges that I use traveling anyway, so I'm not concerned about battery usage. Plus, I find that reading in reverse text (black screen, white text) greatly reduces battery use.
I like the fact that I can load books I find free on-line. Baen books has a lot of Sci-Fi from the early years of series that I can download for free, in a variety of formats. This works for Stanza and iBooks both.
I'm sure I'm in the minority here. But, I really do not mind the small screen, because I can adjust the fonts for easy reading, and a quick flick if a finger on the screen, and the next page is up in an instant. And, I currently have ZERO need for a tablet. I don't usually buy single use electronics like a dedicated book reader, so a Kindle or a Nook are not in my "need" or "want" list. As for current titles??? I still prefer hard-copy, and belong to BOMC2 where I buy $25 hardbacks for $8 per month.
Again, I only use the iPhone book apps for old classics and any newer, free downloads I find I'm interested in. I currently have 180 books loaded and 67 books in pdf format loaded on my phone. Since these are all free items, when I finish reading a book, I usually delete it from the phone.