warm & fuzzy
After lurking for 4 years, this old Bart made the teddible mistake of posting 2 cigar questions on a popular distributor/auctioneer online forum. Simple questions about the merits of a few smokes I was considering for purchase. My questions included the forum's sister company website and a competitor's website.
Was stunned by the vile replies - threatening, hostile and no info. How dare this dolt post a competitor's website.
Those were my first and last queries, despite the support and encouragement of a trading buddy who is a constant presence on that whipping post of a forum.
Made me appreciate the kind brethren in this group, where I have been a trader, bomber and occasional contributor since the bad old days of Club Stogie 2003-08. Am grateful for the friendship of pnoon, adriftpanda, icehog3, longknocker, bobarian, jjirons69, ncradioman, shilala, rharris, thaplumbr, tedrodgerscpa, billycigars, stevefrench triplef, cigarcop, Giant & 49ers fan -- all my pals at CA. Did not know how good I have it!