Re: Do You Juice your own? Any good Ideas?
Peeled apples taste way better, to me anyway. I always juice celery and pineapple last because it clogs up my JLL badly. Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, anything citrus is just easier the old fashioned way IMO. You can juice Kiwi peel and all if you scrub the little fuzzies off, or not if you don't mind fuzzies floating in your juice. If it gets hard to press down it's probably clogged and if you keep pressing it will stall. Frozen fruits still taste like frozen fruits even after you juice them.
Things that don't seem like they go well together probably won't, and you can end up with some really nasty tasting juice, I tried strawberry and turnip once, blech. I highly recommend getting some fresh herbs and putting those in, mint, oregano, thyme, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, all are delicious especially with more savory juices. Tomato, Celery, Cilantro, and spinach, with a pinch of salt, makes a delicious savory juice.
Carrots are a delicious and pretty cheap base for sweet juices.
That's all i got, I got bored with juicing but for a while I just filled my fridge with fruits and veggies and had juice and fruit every day, pretty good but it gets expensive.