Unbelievable. If these things had not happened to us during the times we dined at Olive Garden, I doubt I'd believed it. They win the foreign matter in food award.
Case #1: Discovered Plastic and Date Dots in Tour of Italy- Huntsville location
Case #2: Found Brush Bristles in Minestrone soup in Florence location. Thought they were green bean stems. No. They definitely were bristles from a stiff brush. Total of 3 found. Same length
Case #3: Wife found a rubber band in her meal at Florence location
Case #4: Found strips of napkin in Chicken Gnocci soup- Florence Location. It appeared someone tore long strips of the real tough napkins they have and put it in the soup so it was on purpose. 4 strips were found.
Case #5: This is the biggie. Was at the doctor's office in Nashville with my wife. We were very tired after a 5 hour wait. Decide to go to Red Lobster to get endless shrimp. We got seated in No-Man's land so that meant none of the wait staff knew who was supposed to take care of us. After 20 minutes, we left and went to Olive Garden in Springhill, TN. Waitress was right there, Johnny on the spot, took our order and we had salad and breadsticks in four minutes. Meal arrived about 5 minutes later. Wife ordered Chicken Scampi and I ordered Fettucine Alfredo. We shared with each other portions and i was eating the Chicken Scampi and noticed a very tough piece of pasta, dismissed it and swallowed but when I swallowed the bite, I realized it was NOT pasta. My wife stirs around in her plate and pulls out FOUR rubber bands! No sh!t! Here's pics: