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Old 09-18-2012, 08:16 AM   #36
Just in from the Storm
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Default Re: Paul Garmirian talks trash about younger cigar makers

Originally Posted by lenguamor View Post
And if you'd asked me 10 years ago about Drew Estates and some of the others that Garmirian refers to, I might've held a similar opinion to the old man's. Because I was coming at it from a firmly, sadly uninformed viewpoint.

And, truth be told, some of the marketing does put me off, and some of it makes me determined not to try their cigars. For instance, JdN's advertising 100% turns me off; I never wanted to be the Marlborough man nor in a motorcycle gang, and less so now, in my mid-fifties. And some brands' use of ersatz military imagery and accoutrements downright pisses me off.

But what puzzles me about PG's vitriol is that he's met these guys, and presumably he's tried their products. Not all of their cigars are great, and I'd even venture to say that a lot of them are not very good at all; but some of them are superlative, and a select few are among the jewels of modern offerings.

The fact that he's met J. Drew and isn't totally infected by his enthusiasm, his drive and the joy and pride he puts into his cigars, not to mention the undeniable quality and flavor of lines like LP, tells me that the old man has succumbed to no small amount of bitterness.

And that's a shame.

BRILLIANT post. I don't recall that I've tried anything from PG, and the "live and let live" in me says everyone is entitled to their own opinion - and tht wouldn't sway me from trying in the future. But I agree, the passion these guys put into their smokes and their businesses can hardly be bad at all. Maybe "not elegantly stated" could be the phrase of the day...
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