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Old 09-17-2012, 03:19 PM   #51
Heads up get down
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Default Re: The biggest Ash thread

Originally Posted by Sonic04GT View Post
How in the heck do you guys keep it together? I thought mine was pretty crazy. Nothing compared to what I've seen in here.
Reminds me of a story a retired assistant DA from Georgia told me. He was prosecuting a case in the late '70's (when you could smoke in the courtroom) and the defendant's lawyer had a huge churchill cigar he was smoking. The ash was every bit of 5" long while the prosecution was doing closing arguments. Bill said that the jury was so enamored with wondering when that ash was going to fall off that cigar, they weren't paying attention to the prosecution's closing arguments. After the defendant was acquitted, Bill said the lawyer laid the remains of the cigar down in his ash tray and left. He went to look at it and the bastage had inserted a wire down the center of the cigar to hold the ash in place.
No matter what one's status is in society, cigars are the great equalizer where the affluent and common share a love for the leaf. - Me.
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