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Old 09-17-2012, 12:30 PM   #36
King James
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Default Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by 357 View Post
Had to look this up and found it to be untrue...

Perhaps if you're talking about a single model then you could make that argument. Otherwise it's simply untrue. The majority of people, 80% per that article, choose not to pay for the Apple name, or can't afford to.

I remember Apple booming in the early home computing days too. Good product, nice interface, but proprietary and expensive. They refused to allow other hardward vendors to license their OS. Eventually that landed them where they are now in the computer OS market, a 4-8% share. That same thing could happen in the mobile market. I know , but those who dont' learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.
If I'm not mistaken, Apple may have a small market share, but their growth is much greater than PC growth. So wouldn't the market share in itself is not be completely representative of Apple's success? I'm in no way an expert on the stuff, but just pointing out a possible argument.
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