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Old 09-17-2012, 11:57 AM   #14
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Default Re: Paul Garmirian talks trash about younger cigar makers

i feel that he makes a point. of course, it came across very harsh.

he has an idea of what he thinks a cigar "should be".
he makes that cigar. he does have a point that many of the newer makers are all about hype. that hype is independent of the cigars themselves.
nobody on this forum, or any other forum, can tell me that Drew Estates does not advertise in a very specific way to attract the younger newer smoker. the same goes with Viaje, Tatuaje, and others mentioned. i guess he finds that hype annoying.

there is nothing wrong with having a targeted marketing plan to the younger smoker.
Paul Garmirian clearly is not marketing to the young crowd (or any crowd for that matter). he seems to look at cigars as high end luxury goods. it is anything but hype to him. it is all about subtle luxury.

this is why he has his own company. he is doing it his way. if people like his cigars, good for him. if they dont, oh well.

i would love to try one just to try them. I tend to like milder blends as of late. maybe i can see what he is talking about. its a very different cigar philosophy than what is in style in the cigar world right now.

edit: I am a big fan of DE, DPG, and many other of what he is against but i am not willing to discount a cigar because the owner of a company doesnt like what i like in a cigar.
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