Thread: iPhone 5
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Old 09-17-2012, 10:06 AM   #169
King James
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Default Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by floydpink View Post
I have to wait until Nov 1st for early upgrade which won't kill me, so I didn't preorder.

On a side note, I was curious to know why Apple hadn't officially made a bumper for the 5 and read an article which explained a few interesting things;

The unibody design and flush glass make it unlikely that it will crack like the previous models. Maybe not impossible, but apparantly much harder.

The bumper won't be fixing "death grip issues" with the antennae problem from the first models of 4 with the new 2 antennae design.

The aluminum body and "gorilla glass" on the 5s supposedly make it very durable.

Gorilla glass is made by Corning and is already found on some droid phones, which will undoubtedly invite plenty of "ho-hum" comments from the droid camp.

The camera lense is sapphire crystal, like you see on the face of a Rolex and gorilla glass is apparantly extrememely hard to crack or scratch.

I have always kept my iPhones in Otterbox cases and been able to sell them every couple years looking new, but am seriously considering going caseless on this one.
I've always been against using cases. Dropped my iphone 4 once and cracked the back plate (thankfully it landed on its back and not front. Difference is a $30 fix or $200+ for a new phone if the screen cracked) and decided to use the bumper. I think I will also try to go caseless with the 5

edit: I should clarify that "drop" in this case means flew out of my hand while I was talking on it and landed on a concrete street.
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