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Old 09-17-2012, 08:12 AM   #2
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Default Re: Need help on the Famous Value line

Originally Posted by Big Maduro View Post
I have read in the forum about the Nicaraguan Value line being good. The question I have is this. The ones I've read about were the 3000 or 4000 line. What about the 300/500 etc.? I'm not sure what the numbers mean. Are these still good sticks?
Well, first for nomenclature, there's the Famous lines (in thousands) and Value lines (in hundreds). They are two different kettles of fish. The Famous line is good to go IMHO. Everyone mentions 3000 and 5000 because those are the ones that have been widely tried. I've tried an number of Nicaraguan and Dominican, and I must say, I've never gotten a bad stick.

The Value Line is more hit and miss. There are some OK ones, and there are some dog rockets. So my advice would be that as long as you stick with the Famous lines, you won't find a loser. You may find some that don't wow your palate, but that's the same with any cigar.

Hope this helps.
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