Originally Posted by Bill86
FWIW, I really don't like the idea of online back up. Something about someone having all of my files can't be a good thing.

Wrong image/icon, it's this one
BTW, if
they really want your data they can get it.
The reason I like online backup is it's offsite and it's all the time. I have to protect data for my company. Facts are if a business loses a physical site they go bankrupt or out of business within a year over half the time. So, it's important to have your data at a nother site in case of fire, flood, storm, metor, whatever. Same of your data. If it's important enough to backup to another hard drive, why not put it on a hard drive in a 24/7 manned datacenter on enterprise class hardware which is highly redundant, & is backed up itself. You think Carbonite or Mozy (EMC owned) is going to xcopy your data onto a SATA drive they bought at BB for $50? Not a chance. It's going to be put into a storage array that probably cost more than your house, which will be mirrored to another storage array costing the same, often on opposite ends of the country. For $60/year it's hard to argue with service like that.