Originally Posted by Stephen
Just an observation, but with the contents of the pass leaning considerably ISOM, it'll be difficult for some of us simpletons (this guy) to fully enjoy and participate if a strict nc for nc and cc for cc is adhered to. If maybe the pass was initially more balanced or the restrictions lessened (while leeway is assumed it is also currently restricted) it wouldn't be an issue. Ultimately this is Scott's pass and he's generous enough to seed it with his personal stock, so he can decide how he sees fit.
In short, I just don't want to ruffle any feathers. 
I was writing while you were.

I agree with you completely. We just need a way to institute your idea and put it in rule form.
It's not my pass, as I mentioned. It's OUR pass. I need you all to speak up as such.
If it helps, look at the cigar pass subforum for rules. I was looking there, but it was all kinda greek to me. I'm changing some meds again and my head is like soup. I'm real pleased I've done as well as I have.