Originally Posted by mmblz
i don't follow. iPhone 5 basically is just incremental bumps to various specs - screen size, thinness, battery life, speed... functionally though, it's hardly different than the last go around...
seems to me that the only reason to release this is if customers DO care about specs...
lol, the real reason to release this is because Apple needs to keep their revenue stream stable and growing. Make a couple minor changes that don't really matter so you've got something to spin in the marketing and Bob's your uncle.
The average customer has zero idea what half those buzzwords really mean, and they can't necessarily tell the difference between the one's they do recognize. People are will buy this iPhone because it's new and many held off on upgrading from the 4 to the 4s because like the 4s to 5 it was a very incremental upgrade.
I realize this is pure comedy and probably staged for effect, but last night's Jimmy Kimmel sums the average smartphone buyer perfectly. This is why I say hardware specs are pretty much irrelevant now: