SOOO Glad to find this Thread on here... I have been a Breaking Bad fan for years now... !!!
I loved the last few episodes... I'll list my top 5 highlights below...
5) I loved the insincere Smile Gomez gave to the lawyer when he was caught storing the money... "hey".... lol
4) I loved when Jesse was trying to talk Walt out of the business and we find out that walt's brain child, grey-matter, is a multi-billion dollar company, now we know why he continues to do it... "I'm in the empire business"
3) I loved the magnet vs. laptop episode.... Wonder if this has ever been attempted or succeeded in real life? "YEAH *****, MAGNETS!"
2) I loved the fact they brought back "Old Joe" the salvage yard owner, something about that actor or how the writers write his character just speaks to me, I liked how he mentioned "Miller time" and when Mike when on with his grumpy attitude he said PMA, Positive metal Attitude, totally cracked me up.
1) I love the face Hank makes on the shitter as he reads the W.W. dedication in the book, I wonder how hard Dean Norris had to work to make that "holy **** its right infront of me face" considering as the actor he knew what walt was up to all along...
Anyone else care to share their favorite Breaking bad Moments thus far? I'm sure we are in for a hell of a show come Summer 2013