Originally Posted by AndyMadera
I think your first team for a 12 team league is pretty good. You got a nice bench there with those Wilsons. Greene is a player I would never have on any of my teams, i am just not a fan of him at all. Now with Tebow there it might lose a few of those goal line touches.
Keep an eye on Taiwan Jones (OAK) he might take over if DMC gets injured... which is not uncommon.
Thanks! Appreciate the insight. Agree on Green. He's burned me before. Never had any Jets that satisfied me at all. May regret it again. I really like Garcon to surprise a lot of people. I think he and RGIII are going to really connect. Russell Wilson is a bit of a homer pick since I am a Badger and watched every UW game; I think that despite his height, he could really break out.