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Old 08-27-2012, 01:59 PM   #34
Starting a new chapter
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Default Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
It's only day six, Paul, but if you want to move it up a day, I'm with ya!!!
This whole thing has been much less difficult today. I'm not half as mental as the last two days.
I had a Dr. appt today and she had all sorts of good stuff to tell me about quitting, none of which I remember. I have another Dr. appt tomorrow, I hope he has more stuff to add. At least all that will be out of the way.
Really, I'm surprised how calm I am today. I only got wound up twice so far and that didn't last long at all.
I can't imagine the insanity of quitting after so long, but glad it's getting easier, Scott! Keep it up, almost there.
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