Originally Posted by ZaneG
I am on the north side of Indy and we have 2 local B&M's here. I find usually a 2 to 3 dollar markup at one and a 4 to 5 at the other compared to online. And that is before taxes......
This was at Indy Cigar Bar
Originally Posted by MedicCook
You also have to take into account that the online big boxes are buying the cigars in larger quantities than the local B&M so the online places buy cheaper and sell cheaper. It's just like Wal*Mart coming into your neighborhood and putting the local family owned shop out of business.
This is exactly why I want to support my local B&M's
Originally Posted by area51
This is my take on all this. Take it for what it's worth. I love my B&M, great place run by a great guy. The thing is he is a little overpriced compared to online vendors. That is because of state taxes and such. I understand that. What I do however is if he has a stick I have yet to try, I will pick up 1 or 2 just to support him. I will then buy a box online if I truly like it. To each their own however.
Now this I didn't think about, nice strategy.