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Old 08-26-2012, 10:02 PM   #9
Feeling at Home
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Default Re: Does this seem right to you?

There is a B&M here that marks up LPs and other semi-htf sticks 100% or more. In Alabama where taxes aren't bad at all, it's just gouging. That same place also sells wine at damn near restaurant prices. Some proprieters will charge whatever they can get people to pay.

They might even need to charge such high prices to pay rent, if people who know cigars don't come to your store because the prices are stupid high then your business will rely on the odd curious newby than comes in and doesn't know what cigars are worth. So if your prices are too high to start with and run all the customers away, then prices just have to keep going up, next thing you know you're selling LP9s for $25.00

That's my theory, anyway.
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