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Old 08-24-2012, 06:42 PM   #15
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Default Re: Disgruntled Unemployed Man Shoots...

Originally Posted by massphatness View Post
Yeah, I read it as:

Disgruntled Unemployed Man Shoots a former colleague near the Empire State Building in NYC

I was thinking a guy shot of former colleague of YOURS. Completely the way I read it -- sorry for the panic.

No problem!

I did see someone go off the deep end at work once. Some guy in another group was let go on a Friday. Come Monday, he calls in to work asking in they could reconsider. They tell him no. So, he comes in on Tuesday demanding to talk to his supervisor, and goes into the front office wanting to kick some a$$. There I was sitting there doing my job and I see the HR manager and a couple of other guys pretty much bum-rushing the guy out of the building
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