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Old 08-17-2012, 09:11 AM   #5
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Default Re: Attorney Faces Disbarment for Smuggling Cuban Cigars in 1990s

As a attorney, I actually have no problem with the bar association looking to disbar this attorney. What I do have a problem with, a REALLY big problem with, is the 37 month prison sentence and $60,000 fine!?!? What the heck! I have a lot of people who will beat someone up, manufacture meth, burg a home, and they do not go to prison that long.

The one part that makes my feel a little less bad for this guy is the fact that he brought back 45 boxes of cigars. It looks like this guy was buying boxes to sell back in the U.S., and that was a big risk for him to take. If he was bringing a few boxes for his own enjoyment that would be one thing.
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