Originally Posted by Apoco
My point of view is that if I'm enjoying the time, then I'm not wasting it. But if you feel like gaming is stealing focus from more important things to deal with - then cut it off.
Best of luck
(If we played WoW right about now is when I would say "CAN I HAVE YOUR STUFF?"  )
Posted via Mobile Device
Heh. Indeed. I'm NOT trying to claim any high moral ground, and the imminent releases of Dishonored, Torchlight 2 and Borderlands2 are going to seriously test my mettle.
But I've just about literally spent 35 years getting home from work/school, plopping myself in front of the computer and pew pew pewing away, sucking away entire days in the blink of an eye. I do so enjoy it. But it's been at the expense of an awful lot.
I even bought a mac laptop last week so I could write on the train. Between that and a couple other things that have gone on in the last week. I'll take the synchronicity.