Originally Posted by area51
Music is a subjective topic. To say there is no comparison is an ignorant statement. If your listen to Top 100 I'm going to agree with you, the Top 100 is music that is created in board rooms. If you dig deeper you start to uncover artists who aren't in it for the money and fame.
On the other end of the spectrum if you are looking at it from a money standpoint then no artist today will ever reach what I'd say artists before the 90's reached, maybe even the 2000's. Look at the Beatles, Elvis, Johnny Cash. They were known around the world and active for decades. Where as it seems like artists now a days die out after 5 years.
Again all this is subjective this is my 
Sorry to continue this tangent but I can't help it. Today's music by en large sucks. There is no rock. Funny thing is when kids now get a taste of real rock they go nuts, they love it. Rock stations are dying off. Classic rock stations live on but new rock, if you call it that, sucks bad.
BTW, I liked Metallica. I'm not fond of Alternica. Last good CD/album they released was the black album. But I digress.
Anymore I listen to country. At least I can relate to it. Modern rock is a bunch of whiny petulant kids at best and at worst it's the Goth/Emo movement on meth.

Classic rock was never whiny. It wasn't about screaming and sounding crazier or angrier than the rest. It had melody and guitar riffs you can still hear in your head decades later. It grabbed you. I just can't say that about today's wannabe rock. Today's pop doesn't even need to be bashed. Even its fans know it's crap with a short shelf-life.