Originally Posted by Digs
Jon how many premium cigars shops close to you?
Right now either leaning toward the Big Island or Oahu!
There are a few cigar shops on Oahu with one a full tobacconist with a small private lounge, etc. Most of the cigar business on Oahu is through boutique wine and liquor retailers who have cabinet humidors. I do know of another that is looking at opening a shop. We have a high cigar tax in Hawaii at 50% so it is not easy to run a cigar shop when most of the sales are lost to internet/catalog sales. However, we are working towards getting a .50 cent tax cap put in place and if that happens the cigar shop scene could improve a lot.
On the Big Island there are a couple cigar shops - Tobaccos of Hawaii - Kamuela and Mothers Antiques and Fine Cigars in Hawi. In Hilo there is a place called Kadota Liquor that has a small selection but all good cigars.