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Old 08-06-2012, 06:10 PM   #3
King James
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Default Re: Tablet Information help please

Originally Posted by FriendlyMan View Post
Hi, I would apriciate some advice or information if you know anything about tablets.

I was hoping to get somthing I could watch a specific online video on. It's kinda a lecture that I need to watch every day. I could do it from anywhere, and thats why I want it to be mobile. My droid is to small and it dosnt work on there, I tried. My laptop would be too heavy at times and that would make it harder to be consistint with the lectures.
I am very not familyer with the wifi tablets. Dose it mean it only works where wifi is provided? Would I beable to conect to my work network if I know the password? or any open network? please explain.
I see one on craiglist 7" for $80 I txted the person he said its a orginal 7 inch MID what do you think? I dont want to get a connection on it. I am paying for that on my phone already. I dont think I'll find an unlimted deal on a tablet like I have on my phone now with Verizon, thats over.
The MID is from 2009 I think so has a few years on it. It runs android, but overall its not a very good quality device. From what I could gather on it, it can't open PDFs or epub, the screen is pretty crappy, the internal speakers are awful, and if you open too many apps the WiFi cuts out. If you are not looking to spend $400 for an iPad, I would suggest spending at least $200 for a Kindle Fire. Other Android tablets like the Samsung Galaxy Tab can be had, but are at the same price point as the iPad.

I'm an Apple user, so any android or windows tablet information beyond that I can't really help too much with. But I would suggest spending a bit more for a quality device, even if you go with something that is refurbished.
Mob Herfin' Since 2006
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