Originally Posted by Apoco
How is it? I considered picking it up - but honestly with the steam summer sale I'm inundated with new games.
Posted via Mobile Device
It's good so far. Problem is with a L55 uberninja with 100 enchanting, 100 smithing, and 100 sneaking, everything's pretty easy.
I didn't get very far yet because Tinkerfest

(And... I needed to fix my welder.)
I was shocked last night late by two things:
1) Minecraft 1.3.1, which has "trading with villagers" and a couple other new "actually noticeable" features.
2) I found myself starting a new RAGE playthrough so I'd have something I could use to shoot at stuff for a few minutes without having to think too much about it.
I'm basically waiting for Borderlands 2 and Dishonored. Everything else 'til then is a place holder.