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Old 08-04-2012, 08:15 AM   #6
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Default Re: Tell Me About Commercially Available Meat Rubs

Originally Posted by RHNewfie View Post
Thanks! I think I will eventually mix my own. I will look for some of those when I am states side. Think I will also check out Butt Rub.
Steven Raichlen (of BBQU fame) has some good recipes out there for rubs. I think they are a bit on the salty side, but that's easy to fix, just use half or quarter the amount, mix, taste, add more to your liking.

Word of advice when you mix your own, get a large jar with a good lid to mix in. Use a jar that's about double the size of the volume of rub you are mixing up, that way you just dump everything in, seal it with the lid and shake it a few times - all the extra room in there and it will all mix almost instantly.

I learned that the hard way after accidentally macing myself and my entire kitchen with a bowl of powdered habanero based rub. Also, somewhere on this site there is a hilarious photo of Brad (OLS) covered in rub when the ziplock bag he was using to mix up a rub burst.
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