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Old 08-02-2012, 03:53 PM   #16
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Default Re: One thing I have always wondered.......

Originally Posted by dave View Post
Interesting comment about protecting the flagship brand, Moe. I hadn't thought about it before. But, I wonder if that is also why Cohiba is the only CC/NC marca that managed to keep their look fairly unique. DR Cohibas don't use yellow/black or checkerboard patterns at all that I'm aware of. Other brands that come to mind have bands and logos that are very similar to the CC's of the same name. Maybe further effects of protecting that flagship?
Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
The original DR Cohibas had an identical band to the CC version, Dave, except having "Dominican Republic" where the CC band had "Habana, Cuba".
Yup, I remember those...and some can still be found along beaches and jewelry shops in Jamacia, Cozumel, and the DR. Its fairly easy to identify them, their boxes have glass tops.

Habanos spent a lot of money in courts defending their trademark, and in the end DR Cohibas now have that ugly ass black, white and red band (I think they are called "Red Dots" if Im not mistaken. That might have something to do with Altadis owning both the DR brand, and a 50% share in Habanos SA.

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