Originally Posted by Blak Smyth
Dan, I appreciate you putting this together. This is universally enjoyed by newbs (Like myself  ) as well as the seasoned vets here. These are the kind of threads that add value to the boards, not that I don't enjoy some good hopeless banter. Brilliant thread!!!!
Thanks for the reviewers as well, you guys did apply yourselves and you produced some great fair reviews! The question I have is what is your overall opinion on CCs now that you have tried several?
While I didn't know exactly what to expect, I was a bit let down. I think I let myself hype them up to much. All I have herd growing up is CC this and CC that, they are the holy grail of cigars..............and so on.
I do like them for what they are and Dan threw in a handful that I enjoyed and even 2 or 3 that I would smoke again if I ever had a chance.
Were the CC's my cup of tea? Not so much. They were good cigars but not really the flavor profile I am enjoying right now.