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Old 08-02-2012, 08:54 AM   #626
Sexy Dave
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Default Re: New York Mets 2012 Banter

Originally Posted by jonumberone View Post
God forbid, somebody play hard while wearing a Met uniform!
For all the BS flung around here, about David Wright "Playing the game the right way", not one ounce of respect for Bay?
I guess in the end, it's only about the numbers!
You're talking apples and oranges. Bay hasn't been on the field for a full season yet in a Met uniform. The Red Sox got rid of him becuse he was past his prime. When I heard that Bay was signed I talked to a B-I-L that is a Sox fan. He said "good luck with that". It was a mistake from the beginning to sign him. He runs into walls and goes on the DL. I think he lacks depth perception or something. Wright gets hit in the head by a 90mph fast ball and is back on the field within a week with a humogous helmet to protect his melon. Wright breaks his finger and misses one game. Hell, the only way to get Wright off the field is for him to break his back. Bay is the most rested Met on the active roster, he should be cleaning up on the field and with his bat. In my opinion, Wright has earned his paycheck and Bay has not. So nope, no respect for Bay.
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