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Old 08-01-2012, 11:54 AM   #91
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Default Re: Cigars and your Significant Other

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
Well let me explain a little better. My wife doesn't hate cigars, she hates the smell afterwards, she hates the health concerns that tobacco is known for, she hates the money that is sucked up by the lifestyle (It's not a hobby), she doesn't understand how I can meet somebody online and become friends, she thinks a 20 count humidor is plenty big... but she does understand how inportant cigars are to me and she sees how it relaxes me and she is understanding due to these things.
She is a great wife, I wouldn't trade her for the world (Not even for all of Dballs cigars).
I agree, my wife is pretty much the same. She is happy that I have met people (online & off) and I have something to focus on. She gets mad at money spent but she deals
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