Originally Posted by jonumberone
I never came in here proclaiming Cano as a "player who plays the game the right way".
If fact, the M.O. on Cano is that he's a lazy player, with talent that makes up for his shortcomings in the hustle department.
His being lazy and not working hard enough is what led to the trade of Melky Cabrera.
I just think one or two indiscretions on Wrights part pale in comparrison to the best player on the Yankees either hotdogging it or not putting in half the effort he should.
All that aside, Wight is a leader, and using your own argument, the Mets value him more than any other team will, so when we wouldn't get much back, why trade him. In light of Harvey coming up and being very good the other night, and the rumors that they may even bring up Wheeler this year, I think having a veteran presence in the locker room is necessary. Who else is that going to be? Maybe Johan or Dickey, but it is pretty clear to see that Wright is the leader of the team.