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Old 07-25-2012, 08:43 PM   #32
Col. Kurtz
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Default Re: The Case of the Expanding Ring Gauge

When I first started I saw the larger smokes as a greater value. It was just a $.50 or $1 more for a 7x54 than a robusto or smaller. And no way would I spend $10+ on a lancero?? I was hunting a bargain. Got my feet wet and smoked more small smokes after reading opinions at the old place and here. I can only guess the demand is from casual or beginning smokers. I also postulate that as members of a cigar forum we are in the minority of smokers. Those that buy the donkey phallus don't usually seem interested enough to join a forum and discuss them. We're outnumbered.

I'm still glad I had a chance to smoke them all; and I still curse the man who PIF'd me that first Party short. To paraphrase Brad: my ashtray is littered with the ashes of countless white whales trying to recapture that first experience..
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