Re: What do you guys think of these cigars?
Try to remember one thing that will be with you the rest of your life once you learn it. ESPECIALLY TODAY.
When money is tight, businesses still have to make a profit. SO when there is SO little out there that a profit
can be made on, the things CI seizes upon to make a profit at THAT PRICE are SO BAD that you are actually
risking your own life or taste buds by smoking it. There is no telling what those cigars are like for 83 cents each.
Cigar smoking at it's very heart, is about pleasure. If you cannot afford to smoke a cigar that gives you pleasure,
and I mean YOU as in the general population, then you should either smoke less often or find another hobby.
To smoke a cigar that gives you the illusion of being a cigar smoker but puts you through what that collection
would put you through is simply going through the motions and hardly worth your time or the taste it will leave
in your mouth. I doubt you need to go to a whole lot more expense to find something smokeable.
You are going through what I went through when I first took up cigars...where can I get FREE cigars? Where
can I find CHEAP cigars? How can I get MORE cigars. Where do I PUT all my new cigars? How cheaply can I STORE
all my new cigars? It's the same for almost everybody. That's why you are HERE. You can read about every
other dumb thing every other smoker ever did and what they learned from it. Money WILL be spent. Get used
to that concept and just buy something good.